Lent is coming ... soon.
In the past, you could find a traditional Lenten Mission at many parishes. Now, unless you are near a traditional parish, they are nearly extinct -- or all but worthless.
Fortunately, we are not meant to live in the past, we are meant to live in the now. And, now, we have the Internet. And, there is an abundance of good on the Internet, along with the bad.
Through our partnership with Audio Sancto, we bring to your attention this wonderful, traditional, five-part Lenten Mission by the holy and learned Fr. Isaac Mary Relyea. While it is not short, it does go by very quickly, and is easy to follow and understand. It's clear, concise and bold.
Through our partnership with Audio Sancto, we bring to your attention this wonderful, traditional, five-part Lenten Mission by the holy and learned Fr. Isaac Mary Relyea. While it is not short, it does go by very quickly, and is easy to follow and understand. It's clear, concise and bold.
As the season nears, you would do well to listen to this, to pray on it and to use it to prepare for a fruitful Lent -- and be ready for it to change you for the better.
You can contact and thank Fr. Isaac at the address listed on the Audio Sancto "Four Last Things" page: http://www.audiosancto.org/mission/FourLastThings
Click on each of the five themes of the mission: Prelude to the Mission * On Death * On Judgment * On Hell * On Heaven
You can contact and thank Fr. Isaac at the address listed on the Audio Sancto "Four Last Things" page: http://www.audiosancto.org/mission/FourLastThings